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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  May 7, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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good morning, america. this morning, escape to freedom. three missing girls kidnapped, vanished a decade ago, found alive after this frantic 911 call. >> hello, police, help me. i'm amanda berry. i've been kidnapped and i've been missing for ten years and i'm here and i'm free now. >> astonishing details unfold overnight about their daring escape, just miles from where they were taken. here's the man that helped them break free. >> i see this girl going nuts trying to get out of this house. >> the former school bus driver and his brothers under arrest. the three young women all safe. amanda berry reunited overnight with the sister who never gave up looking for her. [ cheers ] an entire city overjoyed. our special live coverage
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"rescue in cleveland" begins right now. and good morning, america. what a morning it is. take a look at this picture. it says it all. right there, amanda berry beaming right in the middle after missing for ten years held captive. she was reunited with her sister last night. and that is her little girl right next to her, according to our station if in cleveland, wews. a night packed with emotion and drama. see the people cheering. it all began to unfold before sundown in cleveland. >> literally cheering in the streets, george. this is a map we want you to take a look at. amanda berry was 16 when she disappeared in 2003. gina dejesus vanished in 2004 at age 14 and michele knight was 21 when she went missing in 2002.
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you can see they were all found so close to the locations where they were abducted. we have complete live coverage of this unfolding story starting with abc's david muir on the ground in cleveland right now. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, robin. that really is the extraordinary thing. these young women who were abducted when they were girls have been here the whole time. we learned from a press conference just moments ago for the west coast viewers this morning, amanda berry, the child that came out of the home with them belonged to her. it's her daughter. though authorities would not say who the father was citing the investigati investigation. here is what happened overnight. this morning, this photo is the first image of amanda berry in the hospital right there in the middle, her sister to the left and a child to the right. it's the first time amanda has been seen since the day before her 17th birthday. and this brave call to 911 was the first time anyone would hear
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her voice in more than a decade. >> hello, police? help me, i'm amanda berry. >> do you need police, fire or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay, and what's going on there? >> i've been kidnapped and i've been here for ten years. i'm here, i'm free now. i'm here across the street i'm using their phone. >> okay, stay there with those neighbors and talk to the police when they get there. >> okay. >> reporter: it was just before 6:00 in the evening when a neighbor, charles ramsey, heard screams from inside this house on his block. inside, amanda berry, now 27, pounding on the door to escape. >> i was like, what's your problem? are you stuck? open the door. she said, i can't. he's got it locked. it opened just enough to reach the hand out to get the mail. >> reporter: they tried to pry it open. it didn't work. >> so we had to kick open the bottom. luckily on that door it was aluminum. it was cheap. she climbed out with her daughter. >> reporter: authorities won't
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confirm it was her daughter, but carrying that child, amanda runs. and makes that 911 call and you can hear the fear that that man will return. >> we're gonna send them as soon as we get a car open. >> no, i need them now before he gets back. >> reporter: moments later, she reveals something else. >> the girl amanda told police, i ain't the only one. >> reporter: within moments, police with guns drawn kick in the door. they come out with two other womens. and abc news learned they believe they'd all been tied up, but amanda broke free. gina dejesus, missing since she was 14, disappeared on her way home from middle cool. michele knight, missing the longest since 2002. all of them rushed to the hospital. >> they're safe. we're in the process of evaluating their medical needs. they appear to be in fair condition at the moment. >> reporter: back on seymour street police confirming to our affiliate wews they arrested ariel castro, the man who is believed to live in that home and the same man who amanda berry identified in that phone call to 911.
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along with two ore men who are 50 and 54. the swelling crowd, many of whom remember the little girls that vanished. their faces on the weathered posters, replacing all of that sadness with cheers. among all the cheering and the honking overnight there was one voice absent, amanda berry's mother. it's known here for years she retraced the footsteps of her daughter trying to find her. her own health condition worsening. she did die, and many believe here that she died of a broken heart, not knowing that ten years after her daughter disappeared, george, that she would call 911 and say, i'm free. >> okay, david, thanks very much. abc's alex perez has been digging for more information on the castro brothers all through the night. he's also in cleveland right now. good morning, alex. >> reporter: well, good morning, george. we're learning new information as we speak. authorities have confirmed they arrested 52-year-old air yell
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castro and his two brothers, pedro and o'neal in this case. police were looking for him back in 2004 after reports of him leaving a child on a bus, but he was never charged in that case. overnight, fbi and cleveland police investigators have searched the home of ariel castro, the prime suspect in the abduction of the three women. this image provided to abc news by a neighbor shows castro smiling with friends. but this morning, police suggest behind the smile, castro was hiding a dark secret. >> who is the guy who went out? >> his name is ariel castro. >> all right. how old is he? >> he was like 52. >> and is he white, black or hispanic? >> he's hispanic. >> what's he wearing? >> i don't know 'cause he's not here right now. that's how i got away. >> reporter: abc news learned the 52-year-old who was once a city school bus driver was keeping the women locked inside this modest two-story home which he's owned since 1992. even more startling,
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investigators now believe he was helped by members of his own family. >> two brothers who didn't live in the home clearly had knowledge of what was taking place within the home. >> reporter: few details are known about castro's brothers who are also in their 50s. >> they're being held in the city jail awaiting charges that charging will come probably within the next 36 hours. >> reporter: but family members told abc news overnight they are in a state of shock and had no idea anyone was living in the home with him. neighbors say castro, a father of three, was a loner who occasionally parked his bus on the street but usually kept to himself. >> the shades were drawn, windows were boarded up. he was very much of a mystery person. >> reporter: charles ramsey who helped rescue the women said he knew castro from around the neighborhood. >> he just comes out to his backyard. plays with the dogs, tinkered with the cars and the motorcycles. goes back in the house so he's somebody you look and you look away because he's not doing anything but the average stuff, you know what i'm saying. nothing exciting about him,
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well, until today. >> reporter: and we just learned investigators will take a closer look at several other properties he owns searching for any evidence that might help them out. robin? >> thank you, alex. we want to move on to the man who helped rescue the women. you just saw him. charles ramsey, remember that name. here's his account in his own words. >> heard her screaming. i'm eating my mcdonald's. i come outside. i see this girl going nuts trying to get out of a house. i go on the porch and she says, help me get out. i've been in here a long time. so we kicked the bottom and she comes out with a little girl and she says, call 911. my name is amanda berry. that girl amanda told the police i ain't just the only one. there's some more girls up in that house. they looked like they haven't been fed in a long time, bro. >> you had no indication that there was anything going on?
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>> bro, not a clue that that girl was in that house or anybody else was in there against their will because how he is -- he just comes out to his backyard. plays with the dogs, tinkering with his cars and motorcycles. nothing exciting about him. well, until today. >> what was the reaction on the girls' faces? i can't imagine to see the sunlight. to be around people. >> bro, i knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms. something is wrong here. >> you heard it straight from mr. ramsey. we're joined by another neighbor of air ariel castro, juan perez. thank you for joining us this morning. i know you live just two houses away from ariel castro. before you saw the police pull up last night, had you had any sense that something terribly wrong was happening inside that house? >> no, i had no idea. like i can't lie, i thought he was a nice guy. he was loving to all the kids in the neighborhood. he was nice to me since i was 5 years old. never had any kind of suspicion. >> you've known him basically your whole life.
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you knew ariel castro but you never saw any of the women. you never saw that little girl in the picture with brittany. >> never, never seen any of them. >> not once. and what about the house? i hear as we saw earlier in the piece that it was kind of closed off? >> like it always seemed like no one was there, no one lived there. i thought personally that he lived somewhere else and he just time and time again to check on it. so i didn't see it as closed off. i just saw that no one was staying there. personally. >> you didn't think he was there that much at all but what would he do in the neighborhood? >> he would come around every once in a while. in the last couple of years i only seen him a couple times a week in the morning either driving the school bus or driving one of his few cars. and he would just come in the house about 20 minutes, come right back out and leave. on a random saturday he may
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bring out his four-wheeler and there's kids out on the block and he'll just take them for rides up and down the street. but really i hardly ever see him. >> now, a few years ago your family heard some screams coming from that house and you did report it to police. what can you tell us what happened there? >> well, my sister -- my mother had heard the screaming and then i heard it, too. my sister then reported it. but we didn't know which direction it was coming from. we didn't know seriously if it was from the right side or the left side because we were inside the house. but there's a difference between -- there's a difference between a woman that's, you know, playing around and joking around screaming, and there's another kind of scream that makes you want to report. and my sister reported it. but we really couldn't give that much information because we didn't know where it was coming from. >> you did report it as soon as you heard but other than that never saw any of those women. okay, juan, thanks very much. >> and we never even thought it could be this so -- >> thank you. >> all right, there, george.
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we'll bring in former fbi special agent and abc news consultant brad garrett for what happens to these young women next in the investigation. he joins us now from washington. you're known for profiling men like the castro brothers. there's no idea of what -- we're just learning what possibly could have been happening in the house. but people want to know how do these -- how is this possible? how can you keep people there for so long, brad? >> well, i guess the real question, robin, is have they been in that same house for ten years? or did he move them there? the biggest problem when you abduct people is how do you hold them this length of time without them getting away? and the only answer i can give you is there had to be some compliance on the girls' part at some point. that doesn't mean they want to be there or they desire to be there, but they just sort of went along with the program, you know, weeks turned to months and months turned to years. still unclear about what his
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motive might have been as far as why did he abduct these three women. >> and how will the investigation proceed now with the castro brothers, brad? >> well, the real key is are there other victims out there? that's the first answer -- the victim interviews and the bad guy interviews are going to be who else is out there? where should we be looking? >> and how do they -- the authorities talk with the young women? it's such a delicate matter right now and, of course, they have invaluable information, so how do they go about talking to them? >> you have to really focus in on their needs and feelings. after you sort of get over that hump, then you approach them about, tell us what happened. >> bottom line, they survived. they did what they needed to do to survive. all right, brad, thank you very much. >> thanks, robin. we turn to the other big news breaking overnight. new jersey governor chris christie announcing that after
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struggling with obesity for years, he revealed he secretly had lap band surgery at the urging of family and friends. and jon karl is here with the latest. he says it has nothing to do with the possible presidential run but will fuel that speculation. >> it sure will. if you talk to many so of his most fervent supporters who talked about him running for president, they'll say they're privately concerned about his weight. he says it's bigger than 2016. that this was about his family. when he turned 50 last september he looked in the mirror. he realized he had to get healthier, that he was getting older and decided to do this surgery. now, george, incredible secrecy around this. christie checked into the hospital over presidents' day weekend back in february, under a pseudonym. he told nobody about it besides his family. and only his chief of staff. even the rest of his senior staff didn't find out he had done this until yesterday. >> he said it's starting to work and does appear a bit slimmer. >> we saw him at the without -- white house correspondents'
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dinner. didn't see any major change but look at those two pictures. they say he's lost about 30 pounds and looks like he probably has. >> we'll keep an eye out. jon, thanks very much. let's go to josh for the morning's other top stories. jaw dropper out of the pentagon. the very officer there whose job it is to stop sexual assaults in the air force has been arrested and charged with sexual battery. abc's martha raddatz has more. >> reporter: he is an air force lieutenant colonel. an air force academy graduate. >> lieutenant colonel jeff krusinski. >> reporter: giving his team a shoutout during a deployment to afghanistan. >> go, falcons. >> reporter: lieutenant colonel krusinski had been trusted to run the sexual assault prevention and response office for the air force, but this morning he faces charges of sexual battery. the arrest report describing him as a drunken male subject staggering in the darkness and then attacking a woman in a parking lot, grabbing her buttocks and breasts. the marks on his face, police say, the woman had to fight him off. >> how can we possibly stop the
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amount of sexual assault and rape in the military if the person in charge commits the same crime? >> reporter: the problem of sexual abuse and harassment is military-wide. today the defense department is announcing that last year there were a staggering 26,000 incidents up from 19,000 the year before. josh? >> indeed troubling. martha raddatz in washington, thank you. meanwhile, the fbi is warning banks large and small t computer hackers today. authorities say a group of hackers based in the middle east and north africa is responsible for the threat. now, in addition to online banking, some government websites could be disrupted as well. and the fbi says it's foiled a potential domestic terror plot in minnesota. 24-year-old buford rogers was arrested after agents allegedly found pipe bombs, other explosives, and an assault rifle in his mobile home. he has not yet entered a plea. newly released testimony
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from an american diplomat based in libya during the benghazi attack says he tried in vain to get the pentagon to respond. gregory hicks told congressional investigators that he wanted fighter jets scrambled to scare off militants and avert the second attack that killed two navy s.e.a.l.s. he claims special forces were at the ready but were told to stand down. the state department says it hasn't seen the full transcript and cannot respond to fragments released to the media. and we're just getting images in from a volcano erupting in the philippines spewing ash and boulders the size of a car into the sky. at least five people climbing the volcano at the time were killed. no local villages, however, are threatened at this point. some video of a helicopter crashing into the water off new zealand. hard to see but it's there. the pilot managed to slow down just before impact. he and his passenger able to escape before the helicopter sank. they're okay. thankfully they went down in auckland harbor. rescuers were able to get to them quickly.
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again, both were okay. >> we're like this because we have these monitors here. we're looking down so -- >> they're both down there. both okay. >> thank goodness for that. out to sam in breezy point for a special "you're not dreaming" event. good morning, sam. >> good morning, everybody, george. we've got a beautiful shot. we'll show you much more of this gorgeous view of this little area of land so perfectly placed just away from new york city. what they went through six months ago and where they are today and some heartwarming stories a little later in the show. to the weather because there's some folks suffering under rain today. yesterday there was an awful lot in the carolinas. so much rain, in fact, there was a lot of mudslides and flooding. that slow-moving system crawls up the coastline today so later by tonight, philly and new york city will get into some rain and washington, d.c., richmond, roanoke, a little bit -- well, it's kind of an all day kind of thing that will set up there. in the west coast finally this low is moving. it was some very good news for places like l.a. got a little rain, san diego did as well, lake tahoe, all areas that needed it.
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and today, there's going to be storms, a little sliver of storms there. you can see them. they just set up in the middle of the country. the rest of the country is looking pretty good, except for the rain on both coasts.
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>> we are live all morning long in breezy point, new york, to surprise the point breezy fire department, shhh, america, keep it quiet. don't tip them off because we're going to go surprise them a little bit later. back to new york. >> don't hit twitter. nothing. stay offline. great to see you there. great to see you there, sam. >> good luck with that. coming up, the latest on the escape to freedom in cleveland and the families who never gave up searching for the three women who vanished. we'll talk to elizabeth smart and john walsh. the latest on the jodi arias trial. how she's speaking out while the jury deliberates. and we'll shift gears.
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road. two women and a man were taken into custody. they were believed to have robbed a 7/11 early in the morning and another woman was wanted in connection with two recent robberies at 7/11's the >> we seeing most of the traffic in the east bay because of an early sig-alert along southbound 680 at vargas road with all lanes re-opened but we have a tremendous backup on 680 and 84 is also affected. and 580 from the central valley over the altamont pass is a problem and from castro valley, bumper to bumper track through
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>> good morning, and now downtown san francisco is mostly cloudy this morning with most of our temperatures within a couple of degrees of yesterday so mid-60's to mostly low 70's. but you have to watch out for a lot of tree pollen out there as we head into the afternoon hours and grass pollen. now, the game, it is going to be 61 at 7:15 and dropping to 57 as we take on the
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hello, police? help me. i'm amanda berry. >> do you need police, fire, or ambulance? >> i need police. >> okay, and what's going on there? >> i've been kidnapped, and i've been missing for ten years, and i'm here. i'm free now. >> takes your breath away every time you hear the voice of amanda berry, frantically calling 911. the incredible conversation that led to the rescue of her and two other young women who vanished a decade ago. and as you can imagine, there was just so much cheering in a city overjoyed. the proud city of cleveland. the personal conversation we have coming up with elizabeth smart. if anybody knows or has an idea what these women are going through, it's elizabeth smart. she's going to join us.
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and john walsh, as well. he said he did cart wheels when he heard the news. we saw a second ago jodi arias speaking out now while a jury is deciding her fate. the jury in there all day yesterday. then we're going to shift gears. it's our "duck dynasty" exclusive. the stars of the most popular reality show on tv taking over, i dare say, times square. >> yes, especially if you were walking the hallways today. that's for sure. >> right. also, sam, in breezy point, new york, right now for our very special "gma" event, "you're not dreaming." he's got a big surprise for so many of those folks walloped by superstorm sandy. they are not going to believe it and neither are you. >> it is going to be fantastic. we begin with more on that rescue in cleveland. just miles from where their daughters were held captive the families of amanda berry, gina dejesus and michele knight spent years in distress not knowing where their daughters were, whether they would ever see them again. here's abc anchor david muir with their emotional struggle.
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such a struggle for so long to keep that hope alive. >> reporter: yeah, it's really hard to imagine the struggle, george. for the last ten years, these families who saw these young women vanish so many feared these would be lives cut short. they had no idea as they drove down seymour street not far from there they were trapped inside that house. this morning they're here at the hospital with those very families who feared this day would never come. [ cheers ] it was the stunning news family members and friends had prayed for, had hoped for. >> you're here. everything is okay! >> reporter: for ten long years the families of amanda berry, gina dejesus and michele knight searching desperately never giving up hope of not only finding their daughters, but finding them alive. amanda berry disappeared in 2003. the day before she turned 17. >> i feel somebody did see something. >> reporter: gina dejesus disappearing when she was just 14 in 2004. on a walk home from middle school. >> i have hope all the time that my daughter will be found. >> reporter: amanda berry
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disappeared. >> we don't know what happened to gina -- >> the battle to find a missing clooefdland girl. >> still waiting, and still hoping. >> reporter: all of their families keeping their loved one's stories and faces alive year after year. >> tell me where my baby is at so i can bring her home. >> reporter: a vigil held for nancy's daughter gina. parents' devotion even grabbing the attention of oprah winfrey. a decade of countless searching and rallies. tips leading to false hope. >> the hope is still there. it gets harder. >> it gets harder and harder for us. it should get easier but it doesn't. >> reporter: with amanda and gina's f disappearing within a of each other, their families grew a common bond, reuniting every april when they disappeared.
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>> she said my ride's here and she'll call when she gets home and i called her back and that was the last i ever heard from her. >> reporter: just last year gina's mother said she believed her daughter was a victim of human trafficking. >> i always said from the beginning she was sold to the highest bidder. >> reporter: and there was amanda's mother, luwanna miller, who died in 2006 without ever knowing the truth of her daughter's disappearance and offer retraced her steps. and bought a christmas present every year for her, hoping to give them to her someday. >> with no answers, not a lead or a clue. that's hard because you don't know. >> reporter: a mother who would not survive to hear her voice in that phone call to 911 ending a ten-year nightmare. >> i'm amanda berry. i've been in the news for the last ten years. >> reporter: that part of the story so bittersweet this morning. but to give you an idea of a community pinching itself, amanda berry's cousin was contacted and was told of the news and she couldn't believe it. she said, you know, she was my best friend. somebody nudged her and said, "she is your best friend. she is alive." one last little signal a school
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bus went by and the bus driver honked the horn giving me the thumbs up. a whole community celebrating here this morning. they certainly know why we're here. robin, back to you in new york. >> thank you so much. we can only imagine what those three women going through but there's somebody who probably does. elizabeth smart is joining us now along with john walsh, creator and former host of "america's most wanted." good morning to you both and thank you so much for being with us. i want to get your initial reaction, both of you when you heard this story, john. >> i did cartwheels. so very, very often the persons that are missing don't come back alive. and to see those three women and that young child last night get out of that house, get out of that nightmare, just i did cartwheels when i heard it. it's a fantastic ending to three sets of families who have been desperate to find their loved ones. >> and for you, elizabeth? >> i am just so overjoyed.
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so happy to hear another happy ending. and i think it's just proof that there really are more happy endings out there. and it just means we have to have constant vigilance, constantly have our eyes and ears open. because miracles do happen and there are happy endings out there waiting to happen. >> that's why you must never lose hope, elizabeth, you're one of a handful of people who have an idea of what these women are experiencing. just give us some insight what it must be like for them to be reunited with their families this morning. >> i probably can't even begin to speculate. all i can think of is joy, relief, happiness, gratitude. but at the same time i think it is so important to respect their privacy, to try to help give them every chance they can to find their own way, to find their own pathway back to some sense of well-being. >> yeah, time -- time is of essence for them and i'm sure it's time they need. john, elizabeth alluded to it
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earlier, too, about hope. and there are many families who have children that with are missing. and not just children, i mean, these were older young women. one was over 20 when she was taken. but it does give families that sense of, you know, what about us? maybe it could happen for us, though it is very rare. >> the not knowing is the real nightmare, but last night we saw two real heroes. we saw amanda, amanda berry reach out of that door. you could hear her -- you could hear the chilling terror in her 911 call. but she reaches out that door. and charles ramsey, a man passing by. and i always say this, the public so many times is reluctant to help. so many times turns their back and this man said, he said it in an interview, i'm black, i see a white woman, i think maybe it's a domestic abuse case that i shouldn't get into. he gets up on that porch. he sees this girl's in terrible dire straits. she's got a tiny window to escape from these perverts and
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he breaks in the door and helps her -- gets her out, gets her to a cell phone. and amanda berry's courage and charles ramsey's wonderful, wonderful help, a real hero saved the lives of three women and a little girl. it just shows you that there are heroes out there that will help. >> yes, and mr. ramsey, you're right, is one of them. thank goodness for him. i know, elizabeth, when you returned home after nine months, your mother said to you, in essence, this man has taken nine months of your life, don't give him another minute. what would be your advice to these three young women? >> it would be the very same advice. it would be to not allow this man to ruin another second of their lives. he's stolen so much from them already. they deserve to be happy and i would tell them, i hope that they realize that there is so much ahead of them that they don't need to hold on to the past. they don't need to relive everything that's happened
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because it's proof -- their rescue is proof that there are good people out there. more good people out there than not who want the best for them. who want them to be happy. who want good things to happen. >> and it's proof that they are strong women to survive this. and lastly, john, what would you say to the family this is morning who are reunited with their loved ones? >> these families should celebrate, celebrate the return of their loved ones alive. go slowly, get the help. elizabeth will second that. get the therapy and life will go on. and robin, i'm telling you, i still feel like doing cartwheels because not often do we get these fantastic happy endings. >> i know the feeling. john walsh, thank you so much. great advice, as always. and elizabeth, your insight is just -- well, we thank you both very, very much. you take care as we cartwheel out of here. all right, john and elizabeth. i remember when the families were talking to oprah and they
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were just defiant that they were going to find their loved ones and i'm thinking of them this morning, the fact that they didn't give up hope, never give up hope. it's something. >> such a blessing. it really is. let's get to sam out in breezy point, queens this morning. hey, sam. >> it follows right along where you are. these folks never gave up hope either here in breezy point, new york. devastated by sandy. almost completely wiped out. there was the storm and then there was an incredible fire that wiped this place clean, as well. well, we're outside the point breeze fire department. you may hear a little drumbeat from the bergen county firefighters pipe band. may hear a little bagpipe. ♪ like that. a little bag pipe a little later. just shh! wait, wait, wait! and then you may actually see the operation gut and pump folks here, as well. there they are. and we've also got habitat for humanity out of westchester here.
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quick look. seattle, we had a record yesterday. it was a record, not only the warmest of the day but the warmest early this early in the year. here's where the heat is around >> this morning's weather was brought to you by pacific life. let's go back to new york. >> thank you, sam. coming up, jodi arias speaking out right now while the jury deliberates. ♪ whether you're just beginning the journey... ♪ ...starting a family... ♪ ...or entering a new chapter of your life. while the journey is yours, pacific life can help you protect and grow the assets you'll need along the way.
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excuse me. would you mind moving your enormous phone? you mean the enormously awesome galaxy? ping! search "one trick pony." [ all gasp ] aren't you a little young to have an iphone? [ all gasp ] whee! [ indistinct shouting ] you think if they knew about the nokia lumia they'd stop fighting all the time? i don't know. i think they kind of like fighting. come on! ♪ [ male announcer ] the windows phone nokia lumia 920. engadget's readers choice smartphone of the year. ♪ the latest on the jodi arias
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trial as they deliberate arias has been tweeting and ryan owens has the story. >> reporter: the media circus has descended on this phoenix courthouse waiting for any news from the jury and circus is the right word. among the cameras and the spectators, there's a guy in a bunny suit on verdict watch. while the jurors deliberate behind closed doors, the woman whose fate they have in their hands has plenty to say. >> the simple answer is that he attacked me. >> reporter: jodi arias is apparently using they are twitter account again from behind bars with the help of her friend donna van bearing. it seems she wasn't impressed by prosecutor juan martinez's
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closing statement accusing her of the cold-blooded murder of her ex-boyfriend travis alexander. hypocrisy bugs. wish we could shine a spotlight on all of juan's lies. areas also writes about her attorney who told the jury even he doesn't like his client most of the time. >> nine days out of ten i don't like jodi arias, but that doesn't matter. her response "nine days out of ten, that sounds about right." she spends a lot of time on the twitter account promoting the art she sells on her website. she also advertises these survivor t-shirts at 15 bucks a pop. she says the money benefits victims of domestic violence. remember, she claims to be a battered woman who stabbed and shot her ex-boyfriend in self-defense. late last night jodi arias added one more tweet calling her twril a disaster. whether or not she likes it deliberations resume 10:00,
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seven hours and counting. >> ryan, thanks very much. coming up, "duck dynasty" takes over times square. ♪ every girl goes crazy over a sharp dressed man ♪ ♪ yes! ♪ attention... he went to jared. [ female announcer ] create your own one-of-a-kind ring at jared this thursday through sunday and receive get set in diamonds rewards -- up to a thousand dollars toward a beautiful diamond setting when you buy your diamond at jared. choose from thousands of diamonds and hundreds of settings. oh. please return your fiancée to her original upright position. [ female announcer ] get up to a thousand dollar reward at jared, the galleria of jewelry. [ female announcer ] get up to a thousand dollar reward new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time.
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i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. just getting clean with no water. kinda like using t.p. with no moist wipes. ohh. ohh. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine -- now with a touch of cotton. when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ ♪ ♪ all this... only on royal caribbean.
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today our "play of the day" has already been made. charles ramsey and the families and friends of three brave young women, we join the city of cleveland in cheering their safe return to their families. we're watching this just like all of you as this all unfolds. stay with us. much more of "good morning america" still to come.
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thousands of cancer patients can't afford to stay near the best treatment centers. let's make sure that everyone who needs a room, gets one. let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. this! [ female announcer ] introducing the new egg white delight mcmuffin. freshly grilled egg whites and creamy white cheddar. also available on any of your breakfast favorites. it's another new way... mm! that's good. [ female announcer ] love mcdonald's. ♪ ♪ right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card
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to erase recent travel purchases. and with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in your wallet?
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>> good morning, conflicting accounts are emerging on the deadly limousine fire on the san mateo-hayward bridge with the driver saying he helped two women out of the car open saturday night but one survivor says he get out of the car and did fought help anyone despite her pleas. five women died in the fire, four other women were injured and two of them have been released from the hospital. our meteorologist, mike nicco, has the forecast. >> good morning, everyone, isolated shower still possible, and little more sunshine and terms the same from 63 at half moon bay and mid-to-upper 60's around the bay and low to my 70's inland, and dry wednesday and thursday and warmer this
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weekend. >> traffic is slowly starting to recover if the east bay so we will head to san jose, taking a look at a picture at 87 freeway, coming right bit julian off-ramp busy traffic if this area and a check of the walnut creek drive 580 is slammed but look at this 680 coming down to 24 you are at
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♪ good day sunshine ♪ good day sunshine and it is a good day out there in times square this morning. a lot of happy people there and a lot of happy people in cleveland, ohio, this morning. incredible story. three young women free this morning after years in captivity. all the details coming out overnight and you see the cheers there as it began to unfold in the early evening in cleveland. a lot of heroes there, a lot of details still to come out. all the details straight ahead. >> i love mornings like this. i feel good. like anything is possible. we'll change gears because we have our ducks in a row. >> yes, you did read that. >> yes, i did read that. here's america's most popular reality show "duck dynasty" taking over times square.
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hey, that's our quack cam, everyone. some of our guests waddling into the studio. the one and only phil robertson. he a mac daddy. star of "duck dynasty." i'm telling you, millions and millions of people watch this show. >> i don't think it's shifting gears. we're just changing cars. >> well put, josh. >> slowing down that car because he owns it. also, sam in breezy point, new york, right now. again, as we continue our "you're not dreaming" series this week. and, boy, does he have a surprise for a group of hero firefighters. yes, that is redundant, but these just a portion of the folks walloped by superstorm sandy. their lives are going to change this morning. they're not going to believe it and neither will you. >> ah. really an exciting morning on so many fronts. and last night, well, a bit of a
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risky night, or should we say risque, on the red carpet at the super bowl of fashion. and we've got all the sizzling looks, the stars punked out for the met institute gala. >> that's coming up. we'll get the news first from josh. we begin with that extraordinary rescue in cleveland. three women missing for the last decade now safe with their families this morning. it all started with the bravery of one of the women and her call to 911. listen. >> hello, police. help me. i'm amanda berry. i've been kidnapped. i've been missing for ten years. and i'm here. i'm free now. >> she was tied up but broke free and saw an opportunity to save herself and two others. gina dejesus went missing in 2004 when she was 14. michele knight disappeared in 2002. she's now 32 years old. a picture there the hospital shows amanda berry. police just said they believe the girl she carried out of the house, blurred in this photo, is
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her daughter. no word on who the father is. meanwhile, a neighbor, charles ramsey, heard amanda's screams and helped her to safety. >> i come outside. i see this girl going nuts trying to get out of a house and she comes out with a little girl and she says, call 911. my name is amanda berry. >> police have arrested 52-year-old ariel castro, you see him here, and his two brothers. castro, a school bus driver, lived in the home where the women were found, not far from where they disappeared. the women have been released from the hospital. they'll be interviewed by the fbi today. meanwhile, an embarrassing scandal plaguing the military. a top officer in charge of preventing sexual assaults in the air force is now facing sexual battery allegations himself. lieutenant colonel jeff krusinski was arrested for allegedly groping a woman. the case will be handled in civilian court.
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and a new search gets under way this morning for three hikers missing in california's san bernardino mountains since saturday. they only had enough food and water for one day. friends had held a prayer vigil last night which was the third night of near freezing temperatures in those mountains. finally the fda is proposing new warnings on tanning beds. it wants to alert users to the risk of skin cancer and urge people under 18 not to use them. they've been associated with a 75% increase in melanoma risk, a simple question. is that tan really worth it? >> no. >> no is the answer. >> no is the quick answer. thanks, josh. "pop news." >> indeed, thank you very much. good morning, everybody. hollywood not the only place being victimized by celebrity swatters. it's now being reported cops stormed anderson cooper's house in the hamptons last month
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after pranksters said there was a shooting there. he was not home at the time and first s.w.a.t.'ing we've heard of but more than a dozen celebrities were including justin timberlake and selena gomez. >> it costs money. it takes resources from where they need to be, please -- >> cut it out. >> cut it out. >> cut it out, indeed. so what do you do if you're a country music singer and ready for a comeback after a long break? if you're shania twain, you parade down las vegas' strip on horseback with a herd of more horses to kick off your two-year gig at caesars palace. you just can't help but snap to her. she's got 22 days for the fall that are additional. her first 24 already sold out. after nearly a decade dealing with burnout, family turmoil and physical problems, the queen of country pop says, quote, i couldn't be any happier. >> good for her. finally, those satin loving swedes better known as abba are being immortalized with their
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own museum, opening today in stockholm. hundreds devoted fans gathered a full 24 hours before the opening, killing time with an abba sing-a-thon. everything and anything connected to the super group was a big draw, a stage where fans can sing along with hologram images. >> i'm in. >> -- of the group. you laugh. but remember they sold over 400 million records. the museum, likely to prove -- as the song says -- the winner takes it all. >> i'm so there. >> i am. >> oddly enough sarina, 4 and a half years old, she heard it once and when she hears it on the radio, she -- >> feels good. >> generation. >> road trip. >> oh, "mamma mia!" sam is on a road trip today out in breezy point. >> let me tell you how good it is to get a group of people together at this hour of the morning so you're not alone at this hour of the morning. we've got habitat for humanity is here. let me get this right. we have wish, by the way, a
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charitable group of women, women inspired to support and help. the gray beards are here. where are the gray beards? everybody keeps showing up. a group that helped 800 families here on the peninsula. by the way, we have the bergen county firefighters pipe band and jim caloren is with me. the director of the habitat for humanity in westchester. what's the big volunteer effort out here on breezy point? >> we've had 6500 volunteers and in a way people think it's over and we're really just beginning. so many people need help so we want people to keep coming and volunteering. >> we've got this little group together, by the way, it is a mighty powerful group and we'll surprise the point breeze fire department in just a moment. the point breeze fire department knows we're here. they think we're here to say thank you, but we're going to give them a lot more than a thank you. you're not going to believe what these people have organized for them. let's get to the boards. one or two things we want to share before we get to the rest of the show. how about a little of the warmth in most of the country today. we'll start with this area of
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low pressure that is cruising up the coastline. and while you have a great warm all the way around it, if you're under that low, it's cool, it's damp. it's showery and rainy. that low starts to squeeze up the coastline so later on today, you're going to get rain even in the new york city area and points north like philadelphia. you won't get it till later on tonight. here's where temperatures change. so cool lately, you'll get warm temperatures on the way.
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>> i love this. it's like -- it's like a parade. we're on the march. we're just moments away from surprising the folks out here. back inside to lara. >> all right, sam, thank you so much. what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." the latest details on that harrowing escape for those three young women in cleveland. how they survived. also, supermarket secrets. research that proves you should not shop hungry. something i can verify. tv's hottest reality show "duck dynasty" taking over our studio. all that and so much more are coming up on "good morning america." "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by the makers of caltrate plus minerals. go beyond calcium with extra minerals. ♪ when i step out i'm going to do you in ♪ ♪ come fly with me...
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before the new mr. and mrs. nowak were soaring 500 feet above the wild savanna of san diego, and before acacia leaves became ykeke's favorite afternoon snack, we helped the san diego zoo safari park finance a tram system that's boosting attendance, conservation awareness, and the protection of endangered species. that's the power of resourceful connections. that's bank of america. nowour new formula withfrom paladvanced color complex
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gradually builds natural looking color... that's now odor free. all new, jergens natural glow moisturizers. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage.
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humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate
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[ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. and makes you less irritable. it's great! now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew keurig's best cup, stronger, bigger, or hotter, with the keurig vue. we're just looking right? of course. this is the leo diamond. wow. it's the first diamond ever independently certified to be visibly brighter. it's...perfect. it even fits. that's because... ♪ ...i already had it sized. will you marry me? [ female announcer ] the visibly brighter leo diamond. hand-crafted by the master diamond artisans
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at leo schacter. at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. yes. ♪ every kiss begins with kay now to the latest on the story we've been covering all morning on the three missing young women found in ohio. a decade after they all vanished. now reunited with their families, big questions about how they were held in captivity. how they survived for so long and linsey davis is tracking all the latest for us. >> good morning, guys. as we await the details we're left questioning why did it take ten years? one woman who knew amanda berry told local media she always knew amanda was a strong-willed person and thought she would always get out but just wondered why not sooner. a frantic 911 call ten years in the making. >> help me. i'm amanda berry. i need police.
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>> okay, and what's going on there? >> i've been kidnapped, and i've been missing for ten years, and i'm here. >> now free after being held captive only a short drive from where she disappeared a decade ago but this morning there are questions about how berry, now 27, and two other women all three now adults could have been held against their will for so long, mere miles from their friends and families. gina dejesus is now 23. michele knight, 32. they'd even seen themselves on tv. >> i'm amanda berry. i've been on the news for the last ten years. >> okay, i got that, dear. >> reporter: as they recover and adjust to their newfound freedom, berry, dejesus and wright are not alone. similar scenarios have played out before. >> my manipulations, plus the physical abuse i suffered in the beginning, there was no leaving. >> reporter: in the case of jaycee dugard, an 11-year-old kidnapped and held captive 11 years she told abc news' diane sawyer in her only television
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interview ever even when the doors were unlocked she never tried to run. >> something always held me back like i still had those handcuffs on. >> do you think you'll ever understand it, why you didn't leave. >> i don't think so. >> reporter: elizabeth smart was 14 when she disappeared and was found nine months later 18 miles away from home. she said she was simply too afraid to speak up or try to escape. >> it feels like you're losing control of everything, that you just feel like the world is coming to an end. >> reporter: in the next few hours or days, we'll most likely learn what kept these women in the seymour avenue house. the police chief says he believes that the women were tied up inside the house. the question, of course, were they always tied up. what we know so far charles ramsey, the man who helped amanda escape described the scene as a woman going nuts to get out of that house. so easy to imagine why. >> only one opportunity. >> that's right and more great news. we've just learned that all
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three women have been released from the hospital. >> already. >> that's a great sign. >> that is great. >> all right, linsey, thank you. now to our "gma heat index." supermarket secrets and a new study that proves something you may have thought you knew already. you shouldn't shop hungry. abc's abbie boudreau put this to the test and here's what she found out. >> reporter: it can be a dangerous place, the grocery store on an empty stomach. ♪ and if you're anything like me we head straight to the carbs. mm-mm. i can plow through a whole bag of these in an hour, i swear. a study just released confirms what most figured, hungry shoppers choose on average 23% more processed junk food than shoppers on a full belly. researchers at cornell university took 68 participants, half went shopping on an empty stomach. the other half were given wheat thins. the study found the shoppers who were hungry bought higher
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calorie foods. >> we're more likely to reach foods that are convenient, not just at that point in time but continue to reach for them throughout the week because that's what we're bringing into the house. >> reporter: in our not so scientific study i went snack-free for four hours and as this busy mom of two young boys to do the same. how are you feeling? >> i am feeling so hungry my brain is like freezing. >> reporter: what she didn't know like the real study i munched on wheat thins to see if that would help me make healthier choices but what will she do. >> i'll rip the bags open and start eating when i put them in the shopping cart. 20 minutes later. what do you think about some of your food choices when you in your cart? >> i'm hungry. >> you're like give me those cheetos. >> reporter: she not only chose higher calorie foods but a lot of it. >> here's my cart. a little healthier but i wasn't as hungry i got the chicken and veggies. time to confess my preshopping
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secret snack. so i had a bunch of wheat thins before i went shopping. >> oh, that's not fair. you cheated. >> reporter: so what's the moral of this snacking snafu? it's really pretty simple. don't leave home without a box of these. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> or an apple. >> that too. >> that always does it for you. hey, all right, let's continue on "the gma heat index," shall we with phil robertson, the patriarch from the "duck dynasty" series. he wrote his first book called "happy, happy, happy" my life and legacy as a duck commander." we'll talk to him in a moment. first, matt gutman went to louisiana for a visit to duck commander headquarters. ♪ >> we are lords of the wilderness. >> reporter: and much else these days. the self-proclaimed rednecks of
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"duck dynasty" are everywhere. even atop the ratings charts. over 9.6 million people tuned in to the season three finale making it the most watched show on tv. networks included. and if somehow you don't know them yet meet the robertson family. >> i'm the ceo of the business. >> willie. jase. >> keeps the blood flowing. >> jep. >> all of my stories they're 95% truthful. >> reporter: uncle si. >> happy, happy, happy. >> reporter: and patriarch phil. to spend time with these cam mow clad duck call makers i had to undergo a makeunder. >> you need to be red nec necktified. >> how do you do that? >> matt, i forgot, one thing. good enough. these folks aren't just celebrities, they are praised. photographed. see the genius of it, they
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really don't have to do box. >> just curious. >> kind of like "seinfeld" in a way. it's about nothing. just watching you talk to each other. >> every time i knew it -- >> it's about nothing. >> reporter: it all started with phil who created a business based on a duck call that was so good that when used. >> they'll be flying away, lock their wings and come back. >> reporter: but it's much harder than it looks. perhaps even more entertaining, country oracle, uncle si and his tall tales. >> i play hard and i nap hard. i very seldom work hard. >> reporter: then it was time for a robertson, hmm, cooking lesson. >> we have the little kasay, breakfast of champions. >> reporter: we'll spare you the rest of the details, the eating included. next up a little target spra at jep's house. >> that's my water.
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>> you don't need water. >> it isn't duck season so a few flying water bottles will have to do. >> oh. nice. ah, that ain't bad, two out of three. >> reporter: "good morning america," matt gutman, abc news, red necktified in monroe, louisiana. >> oh, isn't it beautiful? we're being serenaded here in times square because the head of the "duck dynasty" clan and the author of the new book "happy, happy, happy" phil robertson is with us. duck commander in the house. [ cheers ] it's not just the title of your book, it's also your mantra, happy, happy, happy. tell us what it means to you. >> happy, happy, happy is kind of a reference to thomas jefferson, all men are created equal, they've been endowed with certain inalienable rights among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, lara, therefore, chasing ducks and
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everything that's involved in that, if you're not careful you'll end up on television, you know. >> you said it's rough. can you believe this? are you still sort of in shock over the whole thing? >> i'm thinking, let's see now, rednecks shooting ducks. are you sure that will work and a&e. says ozzy osbourne made it. i'm like, there's hope for us all. >> i love this. in your book you say "here's what matters in life, faith, family, ducks, in that order." >> the fear of god and all your grandkids, your children, your great grandkids all gathered around table o tand give thanks god. >> you're really honest about your upbringing in the book and grew up with no electricity, no running water and look at you today, phil. mul multimillionaire, a business that you love, the hottest show.
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>> and i will add -- yeah, and i will add with no government assistance. >> with no -- >> we did build it so we got it going and filmed ourself shooting ducks and someone said how did you start that? i rented the cameras and i said you know how to run the camera. they said, no, but we'll learn how and put them in deer stands, elevated platforms and that's how we started doing it. >> tell me a little about life before the fame. with no electricity -- >> i was in sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, lara and the reason i repented is because i needed to repent. you see what i'm saying? >> yep. >> so i turned from my wicked ways, i embraced jesus of gal y
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galilee. >> how many years, five decades. >> that woman, we've been running together since we were in the ninth grade, and i'm going to keep her. >> oh, good. >> number one -- >> i think it's a good decision. >> number one, it's a lot cheaper to keep them. the almighty said keep them so i'm doing that. >> can i show everybody what you brought. a slew of duck lessons. >> are you a duck calling lady. >> this is my mallard. >> lara, i just must tell you, you're a lot better looking than you are a duck caller. you know what i'm saying. look at -- ten, ten, ten, ten. >> ten, ten, ten, ten. >> now, watch. [ making duck calls ] >> you're going, oh, oh, oh. i'm going -- [ making buck calls ] >> phil, that's why you're the commander. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> everybody, the name of the book "happy, happy, happy" is in
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stores now. so great to be with you. please come back. what a pleasure. the commander in the house and you can see more of "duck dynasty" tonight on "nightline" and then things you don't know about "duck dynasty." head to our website, on yahoo!. coming up, sam champion and a big surprise. >> okay, a gorilla and penguin walk into a bar and the bartender says. >> what did the tattoo artist say to the lizard. >> so two frogs are on the beach. >> do you is a joke. if it's funny enough you could end up right on tv, "good morning america," funniest week ever. >> come on, guys. show "gma" how funny you are. >> go to on yahoo! and send in your best joke. go on, make us laugh.
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>> now from abc7 news. >> we are learning more of the deadly limousine fire that killed five women and injured four more on the san mateo-hayward bridge carrying nine passengers, one more than allowed by state rules. witnesses say the rear of the limousine was close to the ground as it traveled and the survivors had to crawl through a partition dividing the driver area from the passenger compartment to escape. one of the victims who died has not yet been identified. investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire. >> now the morning commute with leyla gulen. >> as we take you along the nimitz, traffic is tide up at 15 miles per hour, northbound 880 at high street is where this wreck is, southbound side, also, looking packed, and checking out livermore in pleasanton to sunol
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it is back to normal now after the fatal sig-alert earlier this morning. >> thank you, leyla
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>> the clouds are not as thick as yesterday. we will still have isolated shower but temperatures are close to yesterday with a good amount of pollen in the air again. if you are headed to the game, dress warmly at 61 and down to
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59 at the one i'm all alone and i need you now ♪ ♪ i didn't want to come but i need you now ♪ ♪ and i don't know how how but i just need you now ♪ >> lady antebellum here live. they've got a brand-new album out. singing their smash hit coming up in just a little bit. >> that's one of my favorite songs. >> i know. hey, also ahead, it really was the super bowl of fashion. they were not playing. sarah jessica parker, all the stars and we've got all the
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looks. they are punked out at the met institute gala. >> i like that mohawk she's got going on. >> not bad. also it is time for our special series -- >> all: you're not dreaming! >> maybe if we had another crack at it but you are not dreaming. we have been surprising people who have inspired us by doing extraordinary things. now, beyonce helped us out on monday and gave a special message to the camden sophisticated sisters watching the peers and rushed the video. >> the energy was flowing. we're still recovering. >> and towanda who leads the group were jumping up as high as the girls were. this morning there's more, sam is out in breezy point, in queens, one of the areas hit hardest moment as way from giving some true heroes the surprise of a lifetime. hey there, sam. >> hey, good morning, robin and see we're edging up close to the
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firehouse, by the way and pumped up the tempo on the drums and got the bagpipes ready to roll. here in breezy point, well, there was a rough storm that moved through this area, by the way, and you may have heard about it, superstorm sandy. not only did they have to go through the storm themselves but a fire broke out through this area and took down what the storm left. it was so tough, we got to show you the pictures before we show you the big reveal of the morning. first the wind and then the water. and then a furious fire swept through. a triple shot of destruction by superstorm sandy, unleashed upon the small beach community of breezy point in queens, new york. >> it destroyed, it feels like -- it's like the apocalypse hit. >> we don't know where they're going to take us. we don't know where. >> reporter: today, those who lost everything remember their volunteer firefighters who never stopped battling to save their community. >> all of a sudden the water just kept coming in, coming in and the guys said, this is bad.
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this is real bad. >> reporter: 'the water rose marty and his team had to flee the firehouse in -- >> we had stoves, sfrij raters, a fireplace over here and all this stuff was lost. without the waves, the water rose to this level. >> reporter: and then in the midst of all the flooding a fire sparks, quickly growing to a six-alarm blaze. marty and his crew members never abandoned their neighbors even as hurricane-force winds carried the embers setting house after house ablaze. >> flames were 40 feet in the air. at points there was a cave of fires and propane and gas tanks exploding. >> reporter: is 25 houses in all reduced to ashes. >> these are the foundations of some of the homes that burnt to the ground. >> reporter: today breezy point is still recovering. of the almost 3,000 homes leer, most are either vacant or demolished. the volunteer firehouse which was nearly destroyed is being rebuilt. a symbol of the heart and soul
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of this tiny community. >> it's what we do day in and day out. >> reporter: but the community seems to be determined to recover. everyone pitching in. >> a long time they'll be here saving lives and saving houses. >> let's knock on the door and meet the chief. all right. hello. how are you? nice to see you. all right, so come on, guys. come on out. i don't want to crowd you in the door. i want everybody to come out and say hello. see the firefighters from the point breeze fire department. come on out. keep coming out and the fact is it's all volunteer. you knew we were coming by to say hello. you couldn't help but hear the bagpipes and drums all morning long. where are you? resident of direct relief. we know you want to build a second story that makes it flood
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proof and tell us what you got. >> we got -- >> it what, before you do that. i forgot the big payoff. >> all: you're not dreaming! >> that's my fault. >> marty. >> well, i brought this -- ♪ >> -- small check for you on behalf of direct relief. >> thank you very much. >> very much appreciate what you've done. people around the country -- there's a lot still to do on the first level. you've got to raise money for the second level. the other thing we've got for you, jim caloren from habitat for humanity. jim, what do you got? >> we're going to give you -- >> this is by angels. thank you very much. big help. >> look at everything. >> my gosh, the second floor flooring, sheetrock, insulation,
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paint. you deserve it. we love you. >> we'll be ready for the next storm. >> all right, guys, let's all go over because we actually have stuff going on over here. all the businesses taken down and only one re-open. the blarnny castle providing food for the guys. so come on, everybody, let's go over and grab a bite to seat. thank you for everything you've done. the whole teamwork. the fire department, point breezy. we're all members of the community and thank you very much. >> for what you went through and how you helped these people they just wanted to say thank you and give a little back and take a look at that building because before soon it will be two story. >> when it's two story come back and we'll show you around. >> back to times square with lara. good job, everybody. good job. >> looks like sam said they have
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helped so many people it's wonderful that people are stepping up to help them. >> a little overwhelmed there. >> the pictures, what happened just six months ago and to think about all the work that still needs to be done so glad they'll get under way. >> there is a feeling of this whole morning that breaking news and this story of never giving up. >> right. >> and tomorrow. >> tomorrow we continue and i can't wait to share it with you. >> great. >> right now though we've met most of the stars of "gatsby" at "gma." they've basically taken over our studio. leo is next but right now time for the man behind the vision, i had the pleasure to sit down with baz lure men at the f. scott fitzgerald plaza. and we talked about turning the novel into a 3d wonderland. >> three steps back. >> reporter: baz luhrmann gave us strictly ballroom. transported us to paris in "moulin rouge" and directed a young leonardo dicaprio in his version of "romeo and juliet."
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now the two team up again to take on an american classic. >> gatsby. >> i can feel the hunger, you know, sometimes it's not there, it's there. >> it's the film. >> the book. the fitzgerald thing whips everybody up. >> who is this gatsby? >> reporter: perhaps it's the glamour of the era or the legend of jay gatsby. >> turns into a dark psychological journey. gatsby is the hamlet of america. that's what attracted leonardo. he has natural screen glamour. he can't help it. early on that made him very successful very quickly. he could have cashed that check very easily and lived comfortably but he's only interested in complex challenging acting. >> reporter: it is a part tailor made for the 38-year-old oscar nominee, but the role of daisy buchanan was up for grabs. >> that was a "gone with the wind" search and everyone wanted to play that role. >> reporter: luhrmann and dicaprio knew at her first
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audition it belonged to carey mulligan. >> her chemistry with leo impossible to deny. costumes and sets created by his wife and his attention to detail ledge tri own for the epic 3d party scenes baz just let it roll ♪ a little party never killed nobody ♪ >> there was a moment where people started jumping in the pool and went crazy and the music stopped and the cameras were rolling and everybody stopped and dripping and all of a sudden all laughing and crying, wasn't that crazy, wasn't that great and i said turn the music on again and they all do it again for another 15 minutes and we did it until they dropped. so, you know, a little party nearly did damn kill everyone. >> but they sure did have fun making it. he also says a lot been made about the 3d decision. he loves it and believes it
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brings moviegoers in the ago. leonardo dicaprio joins us tomorrow and "the great gatsby" is in theaters tomorrow. very big. back to sam who surprised some wonderful folks in breezy point. sam, how are you doing? >> hey, lara, i'm sorry. we're right in the middle of this having lasagna and hero sandwiches. checks galore, helpers of folks here. marty, you have an incredible group. just saying hello to them. >> i share it with real professionals. >> other than me i somehow got in the middle of a group of professionals. let's get to the boards. show you exactly what's going on before you make your way outside the doors. the warm-up all across the country, warm air and cold temperatures in parts of the country over the weekend particularly for the gulf coast and all the way in the southeast having to deal with that rainmaker but take a look at these, 77 degrees in new orleans. 75 in jackson, mississippi. those are some good return numbers, 75 in vegas, as well is the storm that was on the coast
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moves inland today. denver, probably right on the line of getting showers, thunderstorms in the red zone right there basically. just i think the panhandle of oklahoma may get caught in some of that, as well. chicago coming up with 75 degrees today. 67 in atlantic city. this rain will move into new york city later on tonight. just some of the help, direct relief, we help you, habitat for humanity, w.i.s.h. ladies, i thank you. the bagpipes, we thank you. >> seriously, the food was really for you guys but why am i the only one eating it.
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>> what a morning. thank you very much. and the stars were out and going punk rock. we have the unbelievable red carpet looks at the super bowl of fashion coming up on "gma."
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♪ oh, yeah, back now in the n unforgettable look from fashion's biggest night, the annual met ball. this year's theme, punk and rachel smith host of "on the red carpet" was there.
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♪ >> the theme of last night's costume ball at new york's metropolitan museum of art was punk and the a-listers who turned out from j. lo to a anne hathaway to sara jessica barker embraced it in a way that would have made carrie bradshaw proud. >> you can never go too big. i'm sure there must be something bigger. >> reporter: threatening to steal the spotlight from that headpiece, the newly public company lindsey vonn and tiger woods who turned heads on the red carpet. only 700 invitations were sent out. a who's who of the festival. madonna donned a givenchy ensemble. >> tell us your secrets. >> choose your underwear well. you have to dress from the bottom up. >> reporter: nicole richie colored her hair. miley cyrus spiked her and vera wang and "scandal" star kerry
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washington streaked theirs. >> i see some purple hues in your hair. >> yeah, we did a little color in the hair, a little green and purple. >> reporter: the honorary chair of the soiree was in a givenchy gown and boots. also causing heads to turn, soon-to-be first time parents, kim kardashian and kanye west joining tom brady and giselle bundchen as the most photographed of the evening. looking less punk katie holmes who sported calvin klein and revelers checked in the new punk museum. ripped dresses. not a bad way to spend the night in the clothing capital of the world. for "good morning america," rachel smith, abc news, new york. ♪ >> we have more sizzling looks plus brooklyn decker's exclusive fashion diary all on on yahoo!
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coming up, lady antebellum performing live, so come on back. ♪ rough is
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>> yeah! hey, lady antebellum is out with a new album called got golden". hillary, dave and charles are going to sing "downtown" highest selling debut single ever. first laedies and gentlemen lad antebellum, you know how much we love you. guys are all married now. how does that change your approach to music? >> it's definitely affected your songwriting. we really try to write about what we know and what we're going through, and so you definitely see that on the record. >> yeah. >> for sure. >> you feel it. you feel it and the magic is still there. number four, the magic is still there, oh, and congratulations.
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well done, chris. well done, well done. oh, that has to be exciting for you, hillary. >> she'll be here at the end of july. >> oh, she. >> a little girl. >> oh, wonderful! [ cheers ] >> well, it's great to have you back. >> thank you. >> lady antebellum's single "downtown" is already certified gold just like the title of their new album. take it away, lady a. ♪ ♪ >> one, two, three, four. ♪ ♪ well all the parties on the streets are talking ♪ ♪ store front mannequins sleeping in lights ♪ ♪ we used to smoke while we were jaywalking like it was your
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birthday ♪ ♪ every other saturday night ♪ knew the bands so we never paid our cover wrote our names on the bathroom tiles ♪ ♪ we never dressed to impress all the others they would let us in on our laid back kind of style ♪ ♪ but boy you know it's been a while ♪ ♪ i don't know why you don't take me downtown like you got anywhere better to be ♪ ♪ talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease ♪ ♪ i'm only counting on your cancellation when i should be counting on you at my door ♪ ♪ did you forget about how we went around i don't know you don't take me downtown anymore ♪ ♪ oh anymore ♪ i got some platforms sitting in the corner they wanna stroll on a city sidewalk ♪ ♪ i got a dress that'll show a little uh-uh but you ain't getting uh-uh if you don't come
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pick me up ♪ ♪ show me off wow you might be tired but i'm not ♪ ♪ and i don't know why you don't take me downtown like you got anywhere better to be ♪ ♪ talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease ♪ ♪ i'm only counting on your cancellation when i should be counting on you at my door ♪ ♪ did you forget about how you went around i don't know why you don't take me downtown anymore ♪ ♪ ♪ i don't know why you don't take me downtown like you got anywhere better to be ♪ ♪ talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time
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tease ♪ ♪ i'm only counting on your cancellation when i should be counting on you at my door ♪ ♪ did you forget about how we went around i don't know you don't take me downtown anymore ♪ ♪ oh anymore ♪ yeah. ♪ i don't know why you don't take me downtown, i don't know why you don't take me downtown anymore ♪ ♪ i just don't get it [ cheers and applause ]
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our thanks to lady antebellum for being here. sam in breezy point. >> thank you, sam. have a great day, everyone. >> have a great day.
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>> now from abc7 news. >> good morning, i am kristen sze. the fillies cooled off the giants win streak by beating them 6-2. the two tangle again at at&t park tonight. mike, we hope we warm up and the giants warm up. >> absolutely. hope any don't match temperatures because it will be the same as last night. 65 in san francisco for a high and upper 60's and near 70 around the bay and low-to-mid 70's in the east bay valley. the temperature is 61 and dropping to about 57 by the time the game ends. temperatures will hold steady through thursday. warmer this weekend. >> a slow drive out of los gatos to cupertino with a wreck northbound 85 beyond 17. bumper to bumper traffic and
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slow going into announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, star of the comedy nirlnirl, zoey deschanel. and from the new film "star trek: into the darkness," zachary quinto. plus, a new look for a nerble nurse as -- special nurse as we continue our "new you in new york makeover." all next on the emmy-winning live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


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